I saw a really cool blog post a few months ago that I still think about. It was a list of 101 things this girl wanted to accomplish in 1001 days which is about 2.75 years. In 2.75 years, I will be 23 which is kind of crazy to think about because it feels so far away. Here is the link to her list Mod Mermaid 101 in 1001. At first, I thought I would do this on my beauty blog which is Kiss and Make Up ( you should go check it out :P -- self promotion right heeereee) but then I realized a lot of these aren't really beauty related so I thought this would be better on my lifestyle blog. I haven't thought of all 101 year but I wanted to share the ones I have come up with so far. I think I am going to make a separate tab for these on my blog and cross them out as I do them and do a mini series about my experience as I finish each one. I feel like putting something on the internet makes it so much serious. So hopefully I actually accomplish all of these! Let me know if you have any ideas for some goals.
I am not going to start counting down the 1001 days until I actually come up with all 101 and a few of these will probably change by the time I have 101 but here they are so far!
01. Get all As one semester
02. Move to California
03. Graduate college
04. Get my make up certification
05. Learn French as close to fluently as I can
06. Run a 5k
07. Visit London
08. Volunteer in a foreign country
09. Have an amazing NYE
10. Go to a drive in movie
11. See Maroon 5 in concert
12. See Ed Sheeran in concert
13. Get and learn to ride a penny "nickel" board
14. Make sushi at home
15. Save up enough for a new car ($5000)
16. Hit 500 blog followers on Kiss and Make Up
17. Hit 100 blog followers in Fill In The Blank
18. Read a book a month for 12 months straight & write book reviews on them
19. Take an art class
20. Start a beauty youtube channel
21. Visit an aquarium
22. Go a weekend with technology
23. Finish all the seasons of Criminal Minds
24. Attend a show at fashion week
25. Watch the sunrise on a beach
26. Flight first class somewhere
27. Get a small tattoo
28. Send a postcard to PostSecret
29. Visit at least 3 of best coffee shops in the world
30. Attend a music festival
30 out of 101 done so far! Hopefully I have a full list in the next few weeks so I can get started. I think this is going to be super fun to do!
What are some things you think would be cool to accomplish?
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